
Friday, February 25, 2011

Hoary Redpoll

I always knew birding was going to keep me poor, but I had always assumed that it was going to be optics, travel, or camera equipment that kept me there.  Well, this winter it is proving to be Nyjer Thistle that is driving me to the poor house.  I am averaging $20+ per week in thistle cost alone.  Add to that a pari of Pileated Woodpeckers that are making short work of suet cakes and we have a very expensive hobby!

Even with all the expense the habit paid off last week when our flock of redpolls came screaching in and amongst them was a slightly larger very frosty looking individual.  Upon closer inspection - Frosty Scapulars, White Rump, and White Undertail Coverts convinced me...  I was looking at my lifer Hoary Redpoll.  I couldn't have been more excited. 

Making the moment even more special was sharing it with my son.  The bird was so much whiter than the surrounding Common Redpolls he was able to find and refind it as the flock would disperse into the nearby trees at every movement around them.