
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Federal Dam

The birding at the Federal Dam Recreation Area, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dam site, boat launch, and campground has been very good this year.  As soon as the ice began to melt off of the Leech River their has been interesting waterfowl here, but now that passerines are showing up in large numbers the Campground has been very productive.

As I walked the campground roads and the nature trail today - I was struck by a feeling of de ja vu.  I realized how much this area reminds me of birding Mt. Auburn Cemetery in May.  The nicely paved narrow roads with pockets of fantastic habitat and water features combine to produce a truly rewarding birding experience.

I am hoping to hit a big warbler wave there tomorrow, but already have 10 species at this site.

Yellow, Palm, Yellow-rumped, Ovenbird, Black-throated Green, Northern Parula, Blackpoll (VERY EARLY), Black-and-White, Pine, and Nashville Warbler.

Nashville Warbler